About us

The Macleay Music Ensemble is a not-for-profit organisation comprising adult amateur musicians in the Macleay and surrounding areas. Commencing in 2008 as the Kempsey Silver Strings, the group started as a string ensemble, later expanding the range of musicians to include woodwind, brass and percussion.


The core vision for the group is the enjoyment of playing music together and performing for the local community.

The repertoire includes orchestral music from the classics to contemporary pieces, with several performances a year. The group performs with the Macleay Choristers at the annual end of year concert also including solo and small ensemble performances.


Interested in Joining?

MME Rehearse fortnightly on Sunday Afternoons (Schedule slightly varies dependant on school holidays and events)

Cost: $120 per 6 months.

Members must be 18+.

Minimal experience necessary.

Grade 3 AMEB or equivalent recommended.

All Orchestral Instruments Welcome

Rehearsal Location

Kempsey Adventist School Hall

108 Crescent Head Road, Kempsey